Wednesday, May 7, 2014

You Need to Hear About This!

Water is so essential for life, a large part of the world cannot have clean drinking water. This project redefines how we approach the problem! 

"WATERisLIFE provides clean drinking water, sanitation and hygiene education programs to schools and villages in developing countries.  We provide opportunities for others to be involved through fundraising and field project implementation.

Through community driven and community engaged integrated water, sanitation and hygiene programs, WATERisLIFE works closely with Non Government Organizations, local governments and partners to focus on an integrated approach to ensure that households, schools, orphanages, and medical facilities have access to safe water, proper saniation and hygiene programs.

The results of our work change everything.  Hours are restored each day – women can use their time to learn a trade, start a business and receive an income.  Children can receive an education.  Clean water will reduce sickness by almost a third.  Clean water saves and transforms lives, and communities."