Thursday, January 5, 2017

Pastor's Check-in: January

2017 is here!

This new year brings with it excitement and great hope. 2017 represents a new year with new things on the horizon. For me, I will be entering my 4th year of being ordained and as the Senior Minister of Burley First Christian Church. There are many things to look forward to in the life of our church.

As you may or may not know, we are starting an eNewsletter this year. Many of you reading this post got here because of it. The church has not put out a newsletter in some time, so this allows us to ease back into a monthly publication without any costs. I hope you enjoy reading, looking, and viewing through everything presented in it.

In addition to the newsletter, we hope to remodel the youth room and revamp the audio/video setup in the sanctuary this year. Much of the material needed is already purchased and ready to go, so we simply need to do the work. I will be leading these projects up and would willingly accept volunteers! The exact dates for the projects are to be determined.

Our Sunday focus for the first part of the year is about creating proper habits and correcting wrong ones. The sermon series is called "The 7 Habits of the Christian Life." We will be talking about things we do as Christians that are not biblical, or were taught to us wrongly, or that we have assumed are correct because culture teaches us they are. I encourage you to come be part of it.

Personally I have made some goals regarding my own development and for my leadership and interaction with the church. Specifically, I hope to get the support of the congregation to help make it possible for me to attend training, classes, retreats, and/or workshops to help further my ongoing education. I hope to continue to seek new ways technology can be used with and by the church to further reach people for Christ. Technology is the new frontier and it is a place that needs Christ.

I am also always looking for ways for this body of Christ to be the hands and feet, to go out into the community and love on people. We currently help with food giveaways and some community events, but we seek to find more ways to be an integral part of the place God has called us to. As we meet needs and show love we will be showing people Christ because God is love.